I had a co-worker propose the following riddle: In a sealed room there’s a refrigerator with the door open. Will the room increase or decrease in temperature? I said it’d increase over time due to the 2nd Law of thermodynamics and after I got a blank-eyed stare stated that “the fridge generates more heat than it takes away”. He looked at me grinning, said I was wrong, and stated that he never said it was plugged in. I said his point was stupid and he called me unobservant, I shucked off the point until I remember as with most situations at work, there’s a XKCD comic that discusses it. I found it.
Tag: xkcd
To "JOE", "J O E" or "Joe"
Every Thursday in geology merit badge, Matt Grob would make the kids watch the Futurama Episode where Planet Express finds Fry’s dog as a doggy non-fossil.
Recently, I’ve gone back through the xkcd.com comics archive and done mouse-overs to view the title parameters of images that usually have secondary jokes in them.
To tie the two together, I found this: http://xkcd.com/233/ , if you’re using FireFox mouse over the picture until text appears or right click and hit properties. Joe, you may want to clear some space around you before you do it so no one gets hit with anything.
You guys aren't even trying…
Behold my work’s site bans:
xkcd.com, blocked
pennyarcade.com, allowed
xkcd.com consists of crudely drawn (usually) figures making math jokes whereas Penny Arcade features a character named Fruit Fucker 2000 and an alcoholic DivX player. A year ago, there was a story arc involving the main character removing his genitals so they could rubbed against a 103-inch television. I can see why they made the decision they did.