Marginalia gives life and depth to an otherwise stale work and Wikipedia generates the stuff in buckets.   <NOTE>I don’t normally use the break tag, but the ensuing content is something I’m entirely used to from work that you may not be, so I figured I’d put a nice shield in here for the less curious.</NOTE>
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On 22 Nov 2008 at 2:22 PM tragedy struck the Internet: the boss picture of a shirtless Mark Twain taking a moment between being America’s greatest humorist and killing wolverines with his mustache.

With Mega-Twain

Without Mega-Twain

What went through‘s head when he or she made this change?  Was he or she like “this picture is so amazing that it’s prevent the world from learning about the French saving the heads of war collaborators” and with such speed that he or she didn’t register.

I broke down and shelled out $30.00 for a 2008 Wikipedia donation.  I checked my browser history and that comes out to about .75 cents a pageview for the past year.  Donor’s note: semper fidelis tyrannosaurus.


Now I can jam it down everyone else’s throat.
Wikipedia Affiliate Button

Wikipedia is one of the few organizations to which I donate actual money rather than time, materials and theft and my donation formula is usually very simple:

($ value of software I’ve stolen in the past year)/20 = Donation amount

In 2006 it was about $25.00 while in 2007 it was closer to $50.00 (CS2 was expensive, so was Server 2003).

Lately though, I’ve gotten most of my software through legitimate purchase and purged illegal software so my current tab is $10, $0 if you don’t count cheating your way into a closed beta.  What am I to do?  Sure, I could replace Microsoft’s free Movie Maker with Vegas or something and bump it to $35.00 but I’d never use it.

After considering my options, I’ve chosen instead to donate $1.00 for every DVD I rent from Netflix and rip putting things comfortably in the $40.00 region (I’ve been busy).

“My child has more chromosomes than your honor student” written in a crayony font was probably the most heart warming bumper sticker I saw on the way to Florida and back which got me thinking about my experiences with bumper stickers.

Up until now I’ve only created 1: “Remember: Determine in pouch from if the new laminated…” which was a memorium to the elfin dolt who game me a work order that was physically impossible.  Since then, I created a new one:

Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Cool ain’t it?  civil libertarians that can read Latin quickly at a distance will love it.

WTF <– That links to the wikipedia sight on it.  Just don’t read the last part where you realize I learned the phrase from an episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.

I lost the login to my Wikipedia account and couldn’t really remember the name so I had to start over on wikipedia as terry.r.robinson, I made my first edit and cried at the first edit I had to make.  I had to remove the following from the Rick Astley page.


  • He’ll never give you up.
  • He’ll never let you down.
  • He’ll never run around and desert you.
  • He’ll never make you cry.
  • He’ll never say goodbye.
  • He’ll never tell a lie and hurt you.

May the Internet forgive me.

I lost the login to my Wikipedia account and couldn’t really remember the name so I had to start over on wikipedia as terry.r.robinson, I made my first edit and cried at the first edit I had to make.  I had to remove the following from the Rick Astley page.


  • He’ll never give you up.
  • He’ll never let you down.
  • He’ll never run around and desert you.
  • He’ll never make you cry.
  • He’ll never say goodbye.
  • He’ll never tell a lie and hurt you.

May the Internet forgive me.