Barker’s Dam is an artificial body of water in Joshua Tree that is arresting when one stumbles upon it via a desert path. Photographing the dam in the early morning was compelling so Steve and I left a little after 6 to get to Joshua Tree National Park. The ride was dull and the roads in the park itself had numerous “DIP” signs that Steve initially interpreted as “DERP” signs. I thought this was a good idea for a sign and could be used to mark areas where someone was involved in a dumb accident like hitting a mailbox.
Here are my two cheesecake shots of Joshua Tree.
Water in the desert at Barker's Dam.
Pano of Joshua Tree Path, it's a big-un if you click through.
Before walking to Barker’s Dam, I received a text message; I’m not quite sure how as this is where I was at the time:
Where I got the message
I’d find it funny if the same hills that held some of the oldest petroglyphs in the Southwest also aided in modern communication through some collection of reflection and absorption of RF.
On the way in, there was some volunteer stroking a bighorn sheep that was probably struck by a car. He insisted it was “barely alive”, but based on its stillness and the congregating flies, I think he clung to something beyond the pall.
If it's alive, it's terribly well trained.
On a much less morbid note, I did a keen action merge of Steve.
Don't look too closely at the shadows.
Our next stop was further west where, after some difficulty we met with Eddie, the littlest Interrobanger. We went to In-and-Out Burger where I found a fact of triumph: While in Canada for GP: Toronto, someone asked for a double-double for breakfast, which, while sounding to me like a sandwich, is a coffee build, leading to the following:
Me: I am white man from far away lands not familiar with your strange cuisine. What should I get?
In-and-Out Burger Attendant: Get the quad. It’s four patties.
Me: How about something smaller?
Attendant: Try a double-double.
Me: Is that what it’s called?
Attendant: Two patties with cheese. It’s very popular.
Me: Is it legitimately called the double-double? That’s not a cute name or an abbreviation or something?
Attendant: That’s what it appears as on the receipt.
Me: Thank you, you may have won me an argument.
Attendant: Glad to help.
So tiny
The choice of Russian dressing as a topping seemed peculiar as did the number of people who stopped to say hello to Eddie as we ate.
Steve and I dropped off Eddie and again traveled West to meet Quinn in San Pedro. While waiting, I took what is probably the best HDR of a flower I’ve ever taken.
This sucker's going on me wall
Meet-ups are a function of flow. There’s always the retreat of playing the same video game, but that’s terribly uninteresting as that’s what one does most of the time. Quinn was genial and has an encyclopedic knowledge of film. Only my habit of wikipedia-ing movies of cultural significance allowed me to keep up.
Quinn, master of film reference.
The harbor area of San Pedro had a timed fountain that erupted in rhythmic patterns in which children were playing. After the sequence was over, there was a pause and it repeated. My favorite part of the sequence was when a kid thought the fountains had stopped, would bike across and get jacked in the face by a jet of water. Bayesian analysis should be taught earlier.
The Child Slayer
Our last two adventures in San Pedro were to visit a restaurant that charged $8.95 for fountain drinks and to see a consignment shop with large chested manikins.
On to the Salton.