My toothache has hit day 7 and I decided to consult higher powers (ie a dentist) and knew I made the right decision when my call was answered by a stereotypical Jewish grandmother.
Me: Hi, I’d like to set up an appointment for a dental exam.
Linda Richman: What’s wrong, dawling?
Me: I’ve had a toothache of a bit, and I’ve had trouble sleeping and it’s getting worse.
Linda Richman: My Gawd! You poaw thing. I’ll schedule you wright away, someone just canceled, how tawmoorow at fauw?
Me: That’d be fine.
Linda Richman: We’ll get you fixed, don’t worry, we’re here to help.It was surprisingly comforting. I’ve also found that sassy black women are great customer service agents when navigating large bureaucracies and disaffected college students don’t question returns.
Tag: toothache
You get used to them after 76
I have a toothache, arguably the most debilitating ailment I’ve ever had. Even through mono and TB, I got more work done than I did with a toothache.  So, I had a list of stuff to do today and my dad comes home and asked my why I didn’t get anything done, to which I reply toothache. Now, with a normal human this would have elicited compassion or disinterest, but not to man who’s had dentures for 45 years. He then bored me with an hour long story of how his 110th filling went and afterwards my tooth didn’t hurt as much.