Request I sent to tech support to switch our TeamSpeak server to Ventrilo:

Dear Imponderable Rulers of GameServers domain. Team Interrobang humbly beseeches thee and thine to change our humble TeamSpeak server to a mighty Ventrilo server such that we may gayly game in gameservers glory with superior intra-team sound quality with the same number of slots.

Response: It would be much appreciated if you could elaborate on your issue so that we can help you further.


Through some miracle of programming our rogue server is now up and we quickly started arguing over things like what kind of sprays would be available and so on.  One item was dealing with decals which are modifications to what the game map looks like.  One guy wanted the open area to be done a la a football statement another wanted many pictures of boobies.  So we set up a rotation.  M/Th/Sun the posters will be NFL themed, T/Sat the posters will feature naked ladies and Weds/Fri the naked ladies will instead be Son of Man and Golconda by Rene Magritte.

New Year’s Day messed up my sleep schedule and over the past two days have had trouble going to bed at reasonable times resulting in a continual hypnogogic (2nd def) state.  Yesterday I played Team Fortress 2 for three hours to go to bed and covered it by saying I had a cold and going into work early.  Today, I’m now messed up from waking up late yesterday and dealing with a professional Scouter whose mere presence sent me into rage preventing me from sleeping.  So, I started updating the SuburbanAdventure archives from the old site.  I can now barely keep my eyes open.