I’ve worn my tiny hat a lot over the past few days and the charm is starting to wear off.  Joe and I hope to go to DragonCon in Atlanta in the late summer and I may try to create Tiny Hats for Reason.  I think if I offered notable Skeptics a $20 donation in their name to the Richard Dawkins foundation in exchange for them getting their picture taken wearing a Tiny Hat while holding a sign saying “I wear tiny hats AND I support reason” we can make the world a better place.

I’ve known Joe Naylor for probably about 13 years now and I count him among my closest friends.  He and I both enjoy topics of science and critical thinking and I appreciate his willingness to apply reason in cases where I don’t always.  For instance:

Me: Joe, what do you think of the idea that when one door closes another opens.
Joe: I think that means you have poor airflow within the room or structure.

Me: Well, what about every cloud having a silver lining?
Joe: That shows little familiarity with actual cloud mechanics.

So wise.

Anyone who saw my flummoxed attempt at adding my logic and discourse postings to this site know how… awkward it was.  I’ve been stockpiling posts on the topic until I had a better venue and I’m working on a new project to make that happen.  I’m looking for someone familiar with a GUI and subroutine friendly program language to help me with a new project to help create a new argument presentation interface.  I’m also looking for anyone skilled in formal logic (SD, SD+ or any PL system, please not circuit logic) to help flesh out the project.

So I guess I’m saying two things.

  1. I’m working on a new site to compliment Suburban Adventure.
  2. That new site will have a new logical, skeptical and argumentative should I find the technical ability to do so.

So, I hope the Reason section will catch up to the Rhyme section.

Anyone who saw my flummoxed attempt at adding my logic and discourse postings to this site know how… awkward it was.  I’ve been stockpiling posts on the topic until I had a better venue and I’m working on a new project to make that happen.  I’m looking for someone familiar with a GUI and subroutine friendly program language to help me with a new project to help create a new argument presentation interface.  I’m also looking for anyone skilled in formal logic (SD, SD+ or any PL system, please not circuit logic) to help flesh out the project.

So I guess I’m saying two things.

  1. I’m working on a new site to compliment Suburban Adventure.
  2. That new site will have a new logical, skeptical and argumentative should I find the technical ability to do so.

So, I hope the Reason section will catch up to the Rhyme section.