Work was visited today by a group of students from Denmark.  I immediately noticed that they weren’t from around here as all of them were blonde and wore Converse All-Stars, they also spoke Danish.  Later that day, I walked by the following:

Coworker #1: The Copenhagen group couldn’t have looked any less interested.
Coworker #2: Maybe it’s cultural.
Coworker #1: Sure seemed like there were a lot of them.  How many three dozen?
Coworker #2: Not quite, I remembered with a simple rule.
Coworker #1: What’s that?
Coworker #2: 30 Danes hath September.


Team Interrobang does periodic field trips where members rename themselves based on a theme and visit other servers to see how they do things.  I’ve been on a few but never before ran one until tonight where our theme was the elements and I picked thorium.  Not only does it have “Thor” in its name but I’m an advocate of alternate nuclear technologies of which fast thorium reactors are one of the more promising ones.  None of the gals joined us so Curium, Vanadium, Meitnerium, and Hydrogen (hydrogen’s a bitch) were present.

We gathered at a common spot and after determining that picking an isotope was putting a too fine a point on the matter, we were off.  Quickly, Tungsten got a little tipsy and a little cocky and started smacktalk entirely in the 3rd person.  Like always, Carbon tried to be everyone’s friend but without Oxygen, Hydrogen, or even copious Nitrogen he remained in his graphite form.  Neodymium was just a dick and pointed out that no one said his name correctly, Phosphorus kept having outbursts and I was getting schooled by Titanium.  But then, something magical happened; I realized I was no longer in charge of the server and got to perform the rare luxury of picking a fight with a person of power I’d never see again over something trivial.  I love field trips.