My car has a computer error and by some miracle of registration it’s under warranty and comes with a courtesy rental that would be awesome to have for my drive to Texas.  I drove to the dealership, dropped off my car, confirmed the rental was covered, and was brought to Enterprise to get a rental.

Attendant: What states will you be driving through?
Me: Ok.  Pa, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland *pause*
Attendant: Ok, PA, NJ, DE, and
Me: I’m not done.  Ohio, Illinois, maybe Michigan, Indiana, Oklahoma, Texas, I may do a jump into Iowa.
Attendant: Coverage stops at the Mississippi.  The other option is to take the 200 mile per day coverage option.  It’s $0.20 after that.
Me: Hm… That’d come out to $400 unless you have a hybrid.
Attendant: We don’t.  Let me do a call to the service manager *calls* I have a customer who’s going to be going over the Mississippi and I wanted to know if you’d cover *pause* no, ok.

My choices were to take my car with a faulty computer on a 3400 mile trip, get a rental and hope it takes 3 weeks to repair my computer to cover the mileage, or come up with something else.  Wanda and I were off to Texas.

[Editor’s Note] Normally, I don’t add parenthetical notes for something that made something funny in retrospect but when I came back to drop off my car for service, I was informed that a Prius was returned about 15 minutes after I left.