I’ve read Penny Arcade regularly for about a year and gone through the back catalog about a half-dozen times.  The creators have recently released an adventure On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness and it will probably be huge with the two people that like adventure games.  Anyway, they’ve been promoting the game on their site for a few weeks but today I noticed the best add I’ve probably seen in a year:

Rainslick Precipice Ad

If I ever write a book I want an ad of this caliber.

If you haven’t seen the creepy and hilarious garfield minus garfield you should.  Someone’s meticulously removed Garfield from the eponymous comic strips resulting in a window into the tortured mind of John Arbuckle.  I think would also work with Huey in Boondocks or to a lesser extent Tycho from Penny Arcade.

Behold my work’s site bans:
xkcd.com, blocked

pennyarcade.com, allowed

xkcd.com consists of crudely drawn (usually) figures making math jokes whereas Penny Arcade features a character named Fruit Fucker 2000 and an alcoholic DivX player. A year ago, there was a story arc involving the main character removing his genitals so they could rubbed against a 103-inch television.  I can see why they made the decision they did.