Me: I like Firefox over IE, it’s faster and includes neat features like private browsing.
Older Scouter: Private browsing?
Me: Yes, since you and your wife share a computer, you can use it to create a session where none of what you looked at will be stored.
Older Scouter:  I get it.*nods head and almost winks* I think I know why that was made.
Me: Oh? (please don’t say porn, please don’t say porn)
Older Scouter: Yeah, that way patch hounds like me can buy stuff on eBay without our wives knowing.  Whoever made this must have had us in mind.

Yes, elderly patch collectors are the EXACT reason that private browsing was invented.  An answer I’m sticking to so that I can avoid visualizing the alternatives.

Ajapeu Lodge is really close to getting Quality Lodge for its 9th year in a row and the lodge adviser has recently issued an offer of 4 premium lodge flaps for anyone who gets 5 people to re-up dues.  The set auctions for about $120 in total and this was sufficient inducement to view the unregistered list which I was glad to find was rife with staff members for the camp at which I once worked.  In about 15 minutes I’d sent out a dozen Facebook messages and 5 people replied and paid.  This brings me up to 9, and I may be able to get 15.

If all works out well, Christmas this year will be paid for entirely with Shelby Patch Company’s gold mylar embroidered wares.  To everyone who’s been lazy about re-registering, thank you.