Our offices have name plates near the door with removable plastic strips with our names on them.  As people come and go, the plates change.  One contrarian fellow refuses to clean his plate off despite two of the people on it no longer working for the company.  I removed the two strips for the non-existent employees, threw them in the fellow’s garbage bin and sent him a note:

“<person’s name>

I’ve removed from the nameplate the two employee’s there that no longer work for you.  I’ve thrown them out in your wastebin should you want them.”

Reply: “Thank you”

I passed by the lab after receiving the reply and the name plates were back up.
Me: Did you put the nameplates back up that I threw out?
Him: No.  I replaced them.
Me: Well, they look the same.
Him: Nah… these are bigger.

Indeed they were.

I just received an email from a “Chrisitna Nurikar”. Normally when I respond, I put the recipients name in. But I’m not sure if it’s actually Chrisitna or a misspelling of Christina as the last name “Nurikar” points to some where East of the Caucasus and therefore a DMZ for name spellings.

I could respond with Chrisitna, whereas I would be seen as a dick, or possibly accurate or possibly an idiot as he or she may not know their own name was incorrectly spelled. Gha….

Update:  I read the rest of the email in detail and found the words “neblizer” instead of “nebulizer” and “slee apna” instead of “sleep apnea”.  I think she just can’t spell.

I just received an email from a “Chrisitna Nurikar”. Normally when I respond, I put the recipients name in. But I’m not sure if it’s actually Chrisitna or a misspelling of Christina as the last name “Nurikar” points to some where East of the Caucasus and therefore a DMZ for name spellings.

I could respond with Chrisitna, whereas I would be seen as a dick, or possibly accurate or possibly an idiot as he or she may not know their own name was incorrectly spelled. Gha….

Update:  I read the rest of the email in detail and found the words “neblizer” instead of “nebulizer” and “slee apna” instead of “sleep apnea”.  I think she just can’t spell.