On 22 Nov 2008 at 2:22 PM tragedy struck the Internet: the boss picture of a shirtless Mark Twain taking a moment between being America’s greatest humorist and killing wolverines with his mustache.

With Mega-Twain

Without Mega-Twain

What went through‘s head when he or she made this change?  Was he or she like “this picture is so amazing that it’s prevent the world from learning about the French saving the heads of war collaborators” and with such speed that he or she didn’t register.

The Playwicki Dinner was un-remarkable. The Roast for Lew Mohr involved some strong language and I got to jab him for my hatred of his damn-near jingoistic emails that he refuses to recognize as spam despite having 2000 recipients all listed in the “To” line and enough flag gifs and smileys to reduce 1997 to tears.

They also had a silent auction which I a novel way to minimize donor value by having someone donate 40 dollars of stuff that may sell for 20. I received a Starbucks Gift box that probably sold for something egregious during the holidays for $12.00. I don’t drink coffee but I do enjoy large mugs (cappuccino mugs, apparently) that can hold a whole can of soup. I brought my package home and threw out the rock candy and “tasting squares” which would make fun-sized candy appear brobdingnagian. I grabbed the mug, held it up to the kitchen light in triumph and saw clear through it. Mind you, the mug was shrink wrapped and there was no chunk of ceramic tumbling in the faux woven basket that would have filled the 1/4″ hole. Did someone shoot it with a BB gun in the factory before packaging it? Was it hit by some particle weapon in transit? Maybe this is why the gift basket was donated.

The Playwicki Dinner was un-remarkable. The Roast for Lew Mohr involved some strong language and I got to jab him for my hatred of his damn-near jingoistic emails that he refuses to recognize as spam despite having 2000 recipients all listed in the “To” line and enough flag gifs and smileys to reduce 1997 to tears.

They also had a silent auction which I a novel way to minimize donor value by having someone donate 40 dollars of stuff that may sell for 20. I received a Starbucks Gift box that probably sold for something egregious during the holidays for $12.00. I don’t drink coffee but I do enjoy large mugs (cappuccino mugs, apparently) that can hold a whole can of soup. I brought my package home and threw out the rock candy and “tasting squares” which would make fun-sized candy appear brobdingnagian. I grabbed the mug, held it up to the kitchen light in triumph and saw clear through it. Mind you, the mug was shrink wrapped and there was no chunk of ceramic tumbling in the faux woven basket that would have filled the 1/4″ hole. Did someone shoot it with a BB gun in the factory before packaging it? Was it hit by some particle weapon in transit? Maybe this is why the gift basket was donated.

Driving to work at the crack of noon involves sharing the road with the retired, jobless, and equally late.  I got stuck behind this guy on his phone waving frantically and driving erratically.  These are the kind of people that make me not answer my phone when I’m driving… sometimes.  I passed him on Street Rd and found he had no cell phone; just a oblong tuft of hair on the right side of his head which grease, grit and time molded into a whip antenna of insanity.  What was he yelling at?  Immitating opera?  Was his hair thick enough or did it contain enough embedded metal shards to function as a Bluetooth headset?  More mysteries.