Voting was well, dull.  Most of the slots were “Pick 8 people to be associate vizier to the regional viceroy” or whatever term the Republican Party uses as go-fors between its legates and guls and the Vorta (providing further proof that Mitt Romney is not only an ideological changling but also a Founder, how else does he keep that glow?)

Anyway, once those Hobson’s Choices were made, there were officers where no one was running.  So, in the interest of exercising the most voting I could I wrote in a number of my regular readers for various offices in the Republican party.  Mykie, I wish you good luck as “Representer for Local District 438” and hope Rob doesn’t mind being the state bursar.

Voting was well, dull.  Most of the slots were “Pick 8 people to be associate vizier to the regional viceroy” or whatever term the Republican Party uses as go-fors between its legates and guls and the Vorta (providing further proof that Mitt Romney is not only an ideological changling but also a Founder, how else does he keep that glow?)

Anyway, once those Hobson’s Choices were made, there were officers where no one was running.  So, in the interest of exercising the most voting I could I wrote in a number of my regular readers for various offices in the Republican party.  Mykie, I wish you good luck as “Representer for Local District 438” and hope Rob doesn’t mind being the state bursar.

The 5-Color event went quite well to the point that Mr. Folsom had both fun and victory of someone whose last name didn’t rhyme with “olsom”.  At Cheeburger Cheeburger afterwards our check took an inordinate period of time to arrive so Mykie decided to leave feedback.  Lacking a pen he started going in with horseradish sauce and did quite a nice job.  But it was damn hard to read.  Until I attacked it with Cheeburger Cheeburger’s shitty spice mix, and voila!

Feedback with salt and pepper

It was really quite impressive at the time.  This was followed up with the “I crushed a pounder” picture for the three at our table who’d consumed heartily.  But, by the time the photo was actually taken, only two other customers were left in the store.

The pre-release was… interesting.  The lesions that developed on the bottom of my right foot during the camporee began bleeding resulting in an interesting pattern on my foot as pieces of sock became embedded an enmeshed in the scab.  Thank you, Josh, for taking on Sunday.

In funnier news, I lost my phone and Mykie Noble was nice enough to hold onto it until I could pick it up.  As a gift, I placed four bottles of premium handcream in a Shadowmoor box and intended on giving it as thanks.  Apparently, I put the box on the roof of my car and it never quite made the journey into the vehicle.  Somewhere on Bristol Road, four bottles of post-operative hand cream sit inside a box of un-released Magic product waiting to befuddle and confound whomever finds it.