I told Mike that I wanted to leave at six AM.  We packed our bags, got into the car, looked at the clock and the clock showed six.  Yeah, bitches.  Driving to Cross Lanes, WV was slower and faster than I thought as Eastern PA received quite a bit of snow but central PA had enough time to clear it allowing us to do 9 MPH above the speed limit as I tend to like.  My biggest fear were deer, not because of limited visibility or difficulty breaking but because by the time we approached West Virginia I went from driving a car covered in salt to driving a salt lick with a gas motor.

Test Dirt: Please do not wash

Mike and I stopped for lunch at a very depressing Hardee’s with some of the fattest pigeons I’ve seen and service staff dropping awesome lines like “He can see the kids again once he shows he can stop drinking for two days”.  Pigeon obesity seems to be defined by simply walking away when someone attempts to kick you rather than flying.

Once we picked up Chris, I had a novel experience: I sat in the back seat and didn’t drive.  I tried such things as lying down, browsing the web on my laptop in a moving vehicle, and my personal favorite, riding with my leg out the window which was invigorating but very chilling:

Look at them gams.

I also got to take pictures of traffic control devices and other novel road phenomenon like “MacCorkle Drive”, and what looked like very angry red light:


We originally sighted these in WV, but they continued in other places.

I had built quite a nice fort out of people’s bags when we approached Cincinnati which was a traffic clusterf#ck that I later learned was unrelated to the snow.  The roads were icy and hills required a bit of weaving to get up and I think stopping distances were measured in light-years.  At one point, Mike approached an intersection slowly but going from 5 MPH to 0 proved difficult as the ABS went nuts.  The car began to fishtail and Mike applied the e-brake, which was exactly the right thing to do but, as we were going 3 MPH, a more effective breaking method would have been to get out of the car, walk in front of it, and push in the other direction.  Me screaming “NOOOOOOOOO” the whole time probably didn’t help and I’ve come to the conclusion that just as we have drivers’ ed, I need to take passengers’ ed.   This course would probably ask you not to do other awesome things I do as a passenger like suddenly touch the driver’s neck and rest my hand on the shifter when I fall asleep.

The rest of the drive to Chicago was uneventful but we noticed that you could make out where you were in Chicago by determining what store was excessively prevalent whether it be barbershops, hair salons, butcher shops, laundromats, or Starbucks.

Andy Ihnatko was speaking to the Southern New Jersey Mac Users Group at Gloucester County College this evening (for free!) and Mike Noble and I went.  We were a spot early and a women who later turned out to be a bobblehead doll was Andy’s escort and she kept giggling and brushing her hand against him in the “oh stop, that’s TOO funny” hand motion.  Mike and I stood out from the crowd for a few reasons, first we were both under 45, second neither of us had Apple desktops or laptops, and finally we were more interested in seeing Andy than seeing Andy’s presentation and he (Andy) delivered.

Notes taken during presentation:

  • Had some weird hand motions
  • Didn’t change opening slide for 10 minutes
  • There was a guy behind us pumping a textbook in statistical methods up and down.  The book looked pristine and he was wearing a “Mac 8” t-shirt that looked to be from the Crimean War era.
  • He bumped the presentation adapter about 15 minutes in and the device locked up like a bank vault.   It took about 10 minutes for the device to restart.
  • Andy says “cara-bye-ner” not “cara-bee-ner”.
  • Used the phrase “and the moment that really put the bleach in their Campbell’s soup”.
  • “Apple defines success in the same way you and I define success: doing what you do well.”
  • Audience questions were squarely divided into two categories “TELL ME I’M SMART/GOOD ENOUGH!” and “WHY WON’T APPLE DO WHAT I WANT THEM TO DO!” with the winner being a woman who talked at Andy for 10 minutes on why Apple wouldn’t let her do a hardware unlock to change international carriers to which he replied “get the international plan”.

Despite my starting disinterest for the topic I really want an iPad now, although I don’t anticipate breaking my rule of “don’t buy anything first generation from a company that’s usually around to produce a second generation”.  One of the over-riding ideas Andy presented was that hardware was secondary to finding creative ways to allow users to interact with software, that in the absence of intuitive UI the rest is immaterial.  The premise is well reasoned and I’d only add the caveat of “if something wants to catch on in the broadest possible market”.



This toupee wouldn't have been more obvious if it had a chin strap.


Andy almost falling asleep as Brazil lady talks at him.

The design on the t-shirt Mike decided to wear

After emerging tied for victorious at today’s 5-Color event we went for Victory Food at a family-run Mexican food place where the foodstuffs were periodically labeled in English.  I’m still trying to figure out what huevos estrellados are as the term literally translates to star-shaped eggs but I think it may be non-fried fried eggs based on the Spanish Wikipedia article.  I was unsure of what to drink after the server told me the juices of the only three things I could identify as fruits were out when she offered me horchata.  I said sure and later got back a white liquid with ice in it served in what appeared to be a flower vase.  I placed my straw in, took a sip, and got punched in the tongue with Christmas.  I tasted like someone had made English pudding into a drink or possibly bottled Santa’s urine but it was sweet, nutmeggy and cinnamony.

I don’t usually drink sweet beverages except for the periodic milkshake and the sounds of my Islets of Langerhans yelling “incoming!” was probably audible to the other patrons.  Each sip tasted more and more like something served at a reading of A Christmas Carol and the sweetness intensified as I got further down.  I could feel my brain starting to slow down and apparently my speech did as I neared the bottom and my pancreas waved the white flag of defeat.  As I danced closer to a life depicted in Wilford Brimley commercials Bob Tait looks across the table at my wrecked state and asked the server for a tall cup of the stuff to go.

Afterword: I thought the server orignally said “we have rice milk or chata” not “we have rice milk horchata” so when a game mate asked what we had and I mentioned chata he picked that up as the name.  He left to get some.  Apparently chata is a derogatory term for someone who’s flat-chested.  I wonder what he got served.

A conversationlet of the following first few lines occurred after a 5-Color event a month or so ago.  I mentioned this to Joe Naylor who found it quite funny and after we had some embellishment got something that could possibly turn into a Whitest Kids You Know skit.

Person 1: Wow, they really gave me a lot of marinara sauce with my shrimp.
Person 2: Really? How much?
Person 1: I’ve gone through all of my entree dipping each bite before consuming.
Person 2: Did you dip your balls in it just to make sure?
Person 1: Of course.
Person 2: You should alert our waiter.  Waiter!
Waiter: Yes?
Person 1: You gave me an excessive amount of marinara sauce.
Waiter: Ok.
Person 1: I even dipped my balls in it as a last measure and there’s still quite a bit left.
Waiter: Well, that is quite a problem.  I apologize for giving you too much marinara such that even after dipping your balls in it there’s still too much.  Might I interest you in a courtesy piece of pie for your inconvenience?
Person 1: And….
Waiter: And a finger bowl into which you can dip your marinara-covered balls.
Person 1: Thank you.

I wonder how it could turn into a campfire skit.

The 5-Color event went well and Mike and I got to show off our wicked pimp challies including the gayest toast imaginable.

200901030195-Color That’s John Jones in the background getting in on the coolness of the moment.

The whole ordeal was improved by Mike’s pimp shirt:

Bling Bling

Bling Bling

I don’t know if it’s correlated but, today I woke up to terrible back pain.  Sitting hurts, and negotiating a shower requires a kibuki-like dance to cover everything without muscle pain.  Apparently I 5-colored harder than I thought.  Alternatively, I was attacked by ninjas in my sleep.  Based on the lack of damage to my home I fended them off successfully but at some personal cost.