Camp changed its check-in method from previous years where incoming campers were directed to two processing sites to one where processing was done within the site.  By and large, the method worked with the caveat that the first week had lower than normal attendance with an unusually high number of troops that had been at camp before.  Most people finished earlier than with the previous process but, as with all changes, there will still complaints:

  • The changed method didn’t require two people to “get a good look at everyone into the camp” (whatever that means)
  • The changed method reduced the chance for spontaneous song as large groups of people were no longer waiting in the sun
  • The changed method increased radio chatter and some people preferred “quiet Sundays”
  • The changed method vastly increased a staff member’s average distance between themselves and their refrigerated Diet Mountain Dew

The last one was my complaint.

Volunteering at a well-staffed facility is simply splendid.  At any point, and nearly for any reason, I can reasonably stand out say “I’m leaving” flip someone off (if I have no plans to return) and then drive home to sort Magic cards and drink a diet coke.  Today, for my first formal day of volunteerdom I thought I was going to help fill out buddy tags at a medical recheck site and maybe answer a paperwork question or two.  Instead my assignment was to run a med recheck site.  This is a bit more than I expected but I take it as a mark of confidence.

Setup was prompt and kids started streaming in with their medicals.  My highlights:

Me: We can’t give you a swim tag because you don’t list a date for your physical.  Do you know when you say your doctor?
Kid 1: Yes, it was either September 20th or May 17th.
Me: Ok, do you have a parent in camp?
Kid 1: Maybe, I hope not.

Me:  I can’t give your son his buddy tags without seeing the 2nd page of his medical.
Parent: What’s on it?
Me: The OK from a doctor that your son is healthy enough to be at camp.
Parent: What do you need that for?

Kid 2: Should I take my buddy tags?
Me: Yep, your form’s fine.
Kid 2: Damn.