Suzie, Brad, Michael, and I were headed to Chicago this weekend for the Chicago Comic Entertainment Expo (C2E2) but the night before, Suzie, Brad, Kai, and I went light painting in Ault Park.

I really like light painting.  As a technique, it has a very low barrier to entry and rewards imagination.  Brad’s artistic skill and willingness to try everything five times helped as did Suzie’s and Kai’s willingness to be flashed repeatedly in the face while being asked to stand completely still.

Once Brad got an idea of what we could do, he let loose to much success:
Big Daddy on Wall
These images are largely unedited as that’s kind of the point of light painting.

The above is drawn directly with the pen light on my key chain. If you combine this with an actual person illuminated by a light wash you can add secondary features like Suzie’s wings.
Winged Suzie
Faces don’t hold up to tight scrutiny as even the stillest person will introduce some movement over a 25 second exposure.

Light painting also allows you to do a one-man scene:
Me Shooting Myself
My one request of Brad was that he not draw me holding a penis gun. I am thankful to him for meeting that request.

Finally, Brad got a chance to be the subject and produced a shot of some anime reference. I think he’s attacking the world with a spoon of light but he’s happy with it so I am by extension:
Brad Doing Something

After the park, Suzie and I retired to our AirBNB hosts for the evening. They had a libertarian presidential candidate sign in their lawn, introduced themselves as libertarians, their wifi network was “LiveFreeOrDie” and they had a stack of Reason magazines on the coffee table. These people weren’t kidding. The bedroom has a lending library bookshelf of the works of Ray Bradbury and Ayn Rand. I wonder if they used AirBNB more as a way to proselytize rather than gain income. If so, kudos for using market forces.

Sam wanted to do some lightpainting with lightsabers and my bottom driveway hosted what happened.  As with other lightpainting, the images don’t receive postprocessing.  Sam had picked up some colored wands reminiscent of usher’s wands.


I was impressed that Sam could pull off a lightpainting photobomb.

The other key item was the addition of lightsabers yielding the following simple long exposure.


This was a rare shot in this sequence where neither I fall over nor does Dave look like he's dropping the lightsaber.

When we saw how Dave was cut out from the saber wipe we opted to try to extend that.  Technique-wise, Dave stood still and I did a wash with the wand behind him.


I like how the light appears to cut a plain through him.

I probably deleted more shots than I should have but the following was the “best”.  Some had more energy to them but weren’t nearly as clean.  This should be revisited.


There was one with me taking a cell call in the middle.

After Dave left the shots got much more limited as we no longer had the 3rd set of hands.  In previous attempts at lightwriting we ran into a problem of writing backwards.  These shots came down to our ability to write backwards but a simpler solution popped up: mirror the image from left to right.


I was cool and wrote 'justice' with mine.

We’ve still got a long way to go before matching these folk but we’ll get there.