I had nothing to do today.  Even less than yesterday’s nothing.  Then Chris Fosmire told me that I’d have to scan in some 1000 large mechanical drawings and that I should hold tight until they figure out how to get Adobe Acrobat to load on the machine. Ha ha, score.
9:00 AM – Not loaded
10:00 AM – Not loaded
11:00 AM – Not loaded
12:00 PM – Lunch
1:00 PM – Bacon nap
2:00 PM – Not loaded
3:00 PM – Loaded, computer crashes
4:00 PM – (OS) Not loaded

I doubt it’ll hold through Wednesday, but if it does, I might feel a little worse about skipping church

I ran out of work today.  Normally, when I run out of work I start poking around looking for things to clean before I’m given some Sisyphean task like scanning our back catalog and then deleting the files.  I asked around, no one had anything.  I waited, I asked around, no one had anything.  Someone had something, I did it in 5 minutes and that was after stretching it out.  It got to the point where Chris Fosmire was essentially having conversations through me requesting status updates.  I’d walk to someone’s lab, ask them how they were doing, they’d start explaining, stop and just call Chris creating a net increase in the amount of work.  At around 1 PM I had enough and walked into Chris’ office.
Me: Chris *obvious stalling cough* I need to leave and *his eyes perk up* visit the store for…
Chris: *Emphatic that I’d be leaving* Okay, that’s fine, have a nice day.
Me: But I didn’t even tell you where I’m going.
Chris: I’m sure I can figure it out.
Me: But…. okay.

I hope it keeps up tomorrow so I can go to the pants store.