Note from Trial Against The Pirate Bay:

“When did you meet [fellow defendant Gottfrid] for the first time IRL?” asked the Prosecutor.
“We do not use the expression IRL,” said Peter, “we use AFK.”
“IRL?” questioned the judge.
“In Real Life,” the Prosecutor explained to the judge.
“We do not use that expression,” Peter noted. “Everything is in real life. We use AFK—Away From Keyboard.”
“Well,” said Roswall. “It seems I am a little bit out of date.”

While this may have been brought up as a way of building on the ignorances commonly shown by prosecutors against filesharers, I thought it was a poignant note about interactions on the web.

via Ars Technica

I’ve been doing some investigation into the EPA over the last year or so and found an amazing opinion from the Circuit Court for DC regarding daily pollution rates. The EPA had said that “Daily” was merely a construct and pollution could be calculated on a seasonal or annual basis. The Court shot back with the following:

“Daily” connotes “every day.” See Webster’s Third
New International Dictionary 570 (1993) (defining “daily” to
mean “occurring or being made, done, or acted upon every
day”). Doctors making daily rounds would be of little use to
their patients if they appeared seasonally or annually. And no
one thinks of “[g]ive us this day our daily bread” as a prayer for
sustenance on a seasonal or annual basis. Matthew 6:11 (King

I have no idea how to properly cite this so I’m just going to link to the original.

The Economist, has done a wonderful article on Lawrence Lessig, (his personal website) someone I see as being on the Supreme Court should a Democrat president experience an opening between 2020 and 2036.  In doing some follow-up about licensing options I discovered what may be the best licensing scheme evar, beerware.  Should I start drinking or should my brother ever create something, I think that license may be used.  I also believe some freeware distributors would be much better compensated by releasing their goods under this scheme