I’m lying on my back staring up at the ceiling from the floor of my office.  Well, not directly from the floor of my office as there is a chair back between myself and the worn green carpet I received for my 19th birthday but my posture is near perfectly supine except for the intercession of the seat pan.  I was talking with a friend who wasn’t quite sure what to do next when a gust of gravity induced a structural crisis of confidence in the chair leg that was almost totally bearing my weight due to my tendency to prop myself up on a single caster by putting my feet under two of the legs and lean back.   The snap was loud and pure and, due to my usage of wireless headphones, the whole process was beautifully transmitted as had been my previous overwrought point about the flawed assumptions in most life advice from third parties.  My ears rang and were then filled with the laughter of my interlocutor.

I think we both needed the interruption.

A friend of mine apparently has a picture of me on his refrigerator several hundred miles west of here.  I’m not normally a fan of being in posted pictures but I’ll make an exception in his case.  His family was visiting him and whenever one of his relatives walked by the fridge she’d break out laughing, someone else asked her the cause and she said “this guy” pointing to my picture.

For the rest of the stay, whenever she needed a pick-me-up she’d walk by my picture and laugh.  She wanted to make a copy to bring home to help her out of funks.  I wonder if I replaced the people that come in stock frames that’d prove therapeutic for department store workers.