I get a good number of photos passed to me from people who’d like a little tweak or are looking to do something specific outside the realm of picasa or Microsoft Image Editor.  Apparently an estrogen bomb went off in PA as these were the Adobe Lightroom folders I added today:

Ryan’s Kitten
Apollo’s Rainbow
Kyle’s Sunset

My man license would have been revoked if I received a request to edit “Mike’s Daisies”.

I don’t mind fat jokes.  Most are poorly thought out and merely show the speaker as an idiot.  I do salute innovative jibes or ones specialized to someone’s particular corpulence.   I make fun of Jason Ergott for his double chin to the point where I’ve anthropomorphized it and have pondered trying to get it a talk show.  I was delighted to learn that my attacks have rubbed off as relayed by the victim.

Jason’s Mom: I bought some plums and they are quite juicy.  If you’re going to have one you may want to put a bowl under your chins.


I don’t mind fat jokes.  Most are poorly thought out and merely show the speaker as an idiot.  I do salute innovative jibes or ones specialized to someone’s particular corpulence.   I make fun of Jason Ergott for his double chin to the point where I’ve anthropomorphized it and have pondered trying to get it a talk show.  I was delighted to learn that my attacks have rubbed off as relayed by the victim.

Jason’s Mom: I bought some plums and they are quite juicy.  If you’re going to have one you may want to put a bowl under your chins.