I go through a lot of hardware from doing repairs for other people.  Frequently I’ll do a repair in exchange for the parts left over after an upgrade which has given me a smattering of RAM, small hard drives, a smattering of peripheral cards and enough cabling to safely repel El Capitan.  After a while I started jotting notes on sticky notes attached to the hardware to help sort through it and today was dumbfounded by one.  Someone had requested a hard drive and this was the conversation:

Him: Do you have a spare hard drive, mine died?
Me: Lemme see.   Yes, but there’s a note on it “HP NSFW”.  I can’t remember what it means.
Him: Well, do you think it’s safe?
Me: Maybe it was out a Hewlett-Packard mach…. oh, I remember.  I have a drive for you from someone whose system I upgraded but I need to warn you:  This drive may or not contain alarmingly hi-resolution slash fiction pictures of whom I’ve been told is a naked Daniel Radcliffe.
Him: Hm… one sec.  *Shouting*  Yeah, my girlfriend’s fine with that.

After the Camporee, Teejay Green, Valerie Green and I got together for gravity ribs at the Churchville Inn.  It was 6:58 and I needed to be there by 7 PM, so needless to say, I was early.  I got a table and while waiting dicked around with my new IR thermometer shooting various things around my room and discovered that while my normal drink at home with 3 small ice cubes is 38°F on average, a full glass of ice yields soda closer to 33°F.  Anyway, while waiting, I listened to the conversation at the table next to me that had apparently just learned that Dumbledore was gay when the kid piped up and said “Next we’ll find our that Harry’s a damn Jew.”

Remember, start your kids down the road of life-long projectionism with an early dose of anti-Semitism….