A year or so ago, I gave a friend my stash of XXXL blue oxford shirts. I visited him tonight and he was wearing one. They aged well and look good on him. I hope they never look good on me again. Midway through the conversation, I started talking about success with a ketogenic diet and he seemed interesting. We talked about food substitutions and how to get nutrients as well as some pitfalls like me learning how sugary cocktail sauce is. We talked about what it’s like to be a large person and he railed at people who are annoyed when sharing public transit with him. He made the observation that “when I sit next to someone, we’re both crowded” and I don’t think most people recognize this reciprocity. It seems neither wholly wrong nor wholly right to blame the larger party but there’s no convenient way to communicate that middle ground.

I hope he gives low carb a try and that it works. If so, the baby blue oxfords that served me so well and then him will pass on again and maybe serve someone else. I picture wrapping them up with a few typed pages on keto and they making their way across the country making large men look a little bit nicer on their way to becoming thinner people.

The Judge shirt I received was somewhat small, and I contacted Wizards to get a replacement.  I requested something with a 22 neck which based on the sizing given would go up to about a 4XL.  The response from Wizards:

Sir, we recognize the difficulty my may be having with your shirt, but due to limitations of supplier we not may be able to meet your request.  The supplier is located in Europe and shirts that large are simply not easy to come by in the EU due to their low consumption in comparison to the US.

Thank you

I either need to find a US supplier or fatten up the EU.

Many moons ago, Teejay Green and I made a list of things that nag us as fat people. One of them was “cloths that fit that are purchasable in regular stores” or Fat Reason #28. To that I add an addendum of “be able to buy special print run shirts that only go up to vintage cut 2XL” for the following reason:



The 3 Hippopoticorn Moon shirt… until they all come home.

I was looking up information on Martin Spekter, the inventor of the interrobang when I found this:

Don’t Die Alone

I’m not sure what’s funnier, the Don’t Die Alone referring to the article being about a professional typographer or the “Fat Secret” product is appears to be touting. I want to get into the niche market of online ads that make people painfully aware of their own mortality.