Google Adsense has served up some odd things through Gmail before including bed-wetting clothing and feminine care products. Today I was served up an ad for Topamax, an anti-convulsant. Is there something in my mailing pattern or search trends to indicate I’m epileptic?
Tag: epilepsy
Reason I'm going to hell #248
I made the following joke today through a long strain of association.
Q: What did the epileptic get at the restaurant instead of the soup?Continue reading
Brainstorming, notes
Over the summer Andy Clarke, OSR’s MI-5 liaison mentioned that the term ‘brainstorm ‘ wasn’t used in the UK as proper term was ‘thought shower’ as to not offend epileptics. Anyway, in 2005 a survey of charities and mental health workers found that the vast majority (93%) found the term inoffensive, once again showing the legendary senses of humor of epileptics. Thinking that the offensiveness of brainstorm had been manufactured I was delighted to find the following foot note in Oliver Sacks new book Musicophilia:
“Victorian physicians used the vivid term ‘brainstorms’ to apply not only to epilepsies but to migraines, hallucinations, tics, nightmares, manias, and excitements of all kinds.” (Sacks, 74)