I asked a coworker to email me a picture and he used Gmail’s drag-and-drop feature to send it.  I received it to my gmail account (our work has a file size limit) but received the following instead:

Gmail asked me “do you want to open this in a separate page?” I clicked yes thinking I could then save the text as a file and rename it but got the following:

Stupid Soviet Bloc png files.

As the end of the year approaches, there’s been a notable uptick in internal email at my company about promotions, free seminars, facilities options and the like and all are marked “Important” or “Urgent” in Outlook.  I consider this tagging almost an insult and after reviewing all the mail I’ve received over the past year and seeing that no one else uses these labels, I have set up a mail filter that automatically marks as junk anything I receive marked as “Important”.  Congratulations, they’ve broken email again.  Should I ever get fired for missing a legit email which was marked as important I will gather my things and say “you may blame me, but the real culprits are the cafeteria lady, the blood drive captain, and person that arranged the Halloween party”.  My head will be held high.

I’ve passed around several emails regarding my upcoming trip to Main-anada but was looking for the specific message where I outlined the day-by-day.  I couldn’t find it initially until I remember Joe replied with “I LIKE TURTLES” for seemingly no reason.  A quick search for “turtles” yielded that message a 10% coupon for TMNT figures from Amazon.  Joe’s non-sequitor responses have been quite useful in in finding specific messages.  If I need to find my list of recommended camping places I can just look up “DRY SLAM”.

Be a friend, use odd email responses.  Not only do they confirm that the email was received and reviewed but they make for easy indexing. NARBONUCULAR!

I just received an email from a “Chrisitna Nurikar”. Normally when I respond, I put the recipients name in. But I’m not sure if it’s actually Chrisitna or a misspelling of Christina as the last name “Nurikar” points to some where East of the Caucasus and therefore a DMZ for name spellings.

I could respond with Chrisitna, whereas I would be seen as a dick, or possibly accurate or possibly an idiot as he or she may not know their own name was incorrectly spelled. Gha….

Update:  I read the rest of the email in detail and found the words “neblizer” instead of “nebulizer” and “slee apna” instead of “sleep apnea”.  I think she just can’t spell.

I just received an email from a “Chrisitna Nurikar”. Normally when I respond, I put the recipients name in. But I’m not sure if it’s actually Chrisitna or a misspelling of Christina as the last name “Nurikar” points to some where East of the Caucasus and therefore a DMZ for name spellings.

I could respond with Chrisitna, whereas I would be seen as a dick, or possibly accurate or possibly an idiot as he or she may not know their own name was incorrectly spelled. Gha….

Update:  I read the rest of the email in detail and found the words “neblizer” instead of “nebulizer” and “slee apna” instead of “sleep apnea”.  I think she just can’t spell.

I sent a missive to Tom Leitz, Nick Grammiccioni and Joe Naylor yesterday regarding using PDFs on the OSR site.  I hate the utter and total flatness of PDFs and how annoying it is to make them every time a minute change is made but no matter.  The email was bounced back from Tom who uses a bsamail.org account and the reply said that the message contained “potentially offensive language”.  I checked through the message and realized I’d used the word “bitch”.  As a test, I sent Tom another message consisting simply of “Carol Moyer is a bitch”, which he got.  So either bitch isn’t offensive or the mail system knows Carol Moyer.

I sent a missive to Tom Leitz, Nick Grammiccioni and Joe Naylor yesterday regarding using PDFs on the OSR site.  I hate the utter and total flatness of PDFs and how annoying it is to make them every time a minute change is made but no matter.  The email was bounced back from Tom who uses a bsamail.org account and the reply said that the message contained “potentially offensive language”.  I checked through the message and realized I’d used the word “bitch”.  As a test, I sent Tom another message consisting simply of “Carol Moyer is a bitch”, which he got.  So either bitch isn’t offensive or the mail system knows Carol Moyer.