As much as one wishes not to stereotype, there are some common inclinations among people of a given department.  Marketing tends not to be action-oriented but creative and R&D a bit of the opposite.  My new boss mentioned to me that the clock in their area kept falling behind and they were tired of updating it. I changed the battery in it and was greeted as “Terry, Clock Saver”.  This act would not make me worthy of the bards in my homeland.  Later in a meeting, I made a dull pun that made the marketing folks roll their eyes.  That act, on the other hand, would.

The first two weeks of camp have gone stupidly well.  So profoundly smooth that I waiting for a meteorite impact, Biblical-scale flood or the discovery of an burial ground to ruin the fun.  Normally, we spend a bunch time fixing stuff each week and with so few hiccups we’ve had this time to improve camp.  One commissioner proposed having more clocks in camp.  So, we made him the camp’s official time keeper and equipped him with a Spongebob Squarepants analog clock so he roam the camp as the Mr. Rogers version of Flavor Flav with equally byzantine usage rules.  Today, we had the first test of our time keeper.

Administrator: What time is it?
Commissioner: 10:35 AM.
Administrator: You’re not saying it right.
Commissioner: Sigh… Spongebob says it 10:35 AM.
Administrator: Thank you.

The first two weeks of camp have gone stupidly well.  So profoundly smooth that I waiting for a meteorite impact, Biblical-scale flood or the discovery of an burial ground to ruin the fun.  Normally, we spend a bunch time fixing stuff each week and with so few hiccups we’ve had this time to improve camp.  One commissioner proposed having more clocks in camp.  So, we made him the camp’s official time keeper and equipped him with a Spongebob Squarepants analog clock so he roam the camp as the Mr. Rogers version of Flavor Flav with equally byzantine usage rules.  Today, we had the first test of our time keeper.

Administrator: What time is it?
Commissioner: 10:35 AM.
Administrator: You’re not saying it right.
Commissioner: Sigh… Spongebob says it 10:35 AM.
Administrator: Thank you.