Someone in our marketing department was having trouble formatting something for the web and she came by to ask us for advice. I happened to be in the room when they were talking and I gave my point of view that to save space in simpler images she should use PNG with custom palettes instead of jpegs. She didn’t seem swayed and we went back and forth until finally a coworker burst out with “Mary, listen to the kid. He may not have formal computer training but he has a blog”. That is apparently a standard of some note and she departed without any more questions.
Tag: blog
Spam Comment Wars
I use Disqus as my comment system moderator and starting with their most recent update I’ve suddenly got a flood of obvious flood comments like
You have blog with topics same as mine! You should click below so we can exchange links and have great traffic together! (Some obfuscated URL-shortened link)
My normal pace is one spam comment every day or two but I’ve had about 8 a day for the last few days which really isn’t a problem as WordPress has a useful select all button. But starting today the comments are now magically competing with one another as per the following:
Comment #1: I have found a way to get secret access to what’s basically a $100million dollar loophole. I’ve alreayd [sic] made $7000 in the past week. See me so I can share with you these secrets if you contact me.
Comment #2: You have good posts. Don’t get deceived by other programs offering you a way to make money from your content and make $5000 a week from the visitors on your page.
Comment #3: If you haven’t taken advantage of your posts to gain you money by my secret money-making method to make money you’re losing money! I can show you ways you’ve not even thing [sic] of too [sic] get cash from your page!
I wonder if these people operate blogs or other operations and have ever inadvertently hit themselves.