One of the activities I’d like to do for the Playwicki camporee involves kids splicing with pool noodles. Pool noodles are apparently damn expensive out of season at 3 to 5 bucks a pop so I thought I could buy in bulk. I checked Amazon and found a large bundle for $99.00. It didn’t actually give a quantity just that it was “15 lbs of pool noodles”. Pool noodles aren’t goods I typically buy by the pound as this is like purchasing cups of rope or a slices of cheese in nanohectares. So, if anyone has any pool noodles, I’d like to know their weight.
Category: Ghaa…
15 lbs of pool noodles
One of the activities I’d like to do for the Playwicki camporee involves kids splicing with pool noodles. Pool noodles are apparently damn expensive out of season at 3 to 5 bucks a pop so I thought I could buy in bulk. I checked Amazon and found a large bundle for $99.00. It didn’t actually give a quantity just that it was “15 lbs of pool noodles”. Pool noodles aren’t goods I typically buy by the pound as this is like purchasing cups of rope or a slices of cheese in nanohectares. So, if anyone has any pool noodles, I’d like to know their weight.
Types of Memory and Tortured Analogies
We did an activity in CIS 1055 where we had to compare the layers of memory in the system versus the human mind. This was quite possibly the most tortured analogy I’ve seen in a long time. This is what the instructor wanted:
CMOS- Internal clock
Cache-ability to plan
RAM-what’s on your mind
Upon realizing that no one was going to stand up and pose any options, I wrote the following on the white board.
RAM – Fiery passion
CMOS – Obsessive Compulsive tile counting
Cache – Ability to negotiate a Tijuana standoff
Rom – Reflexive love of hickory smoked baby back ribs, mmmmm ribs
The teacher accepted these answers without question and applauded my originality.
I was thinking of defining RAM as a dancing in a spring time rain and CMOS being the pounding of your heard when you first experience true love but decided not to for fear of people believing me.
Popularity is chosen by consensus
The Social Security Administration publishes a list of popular baby names. Fine. If you do a search for a given year there’s a little notice at the bottom: “Note: Rank 1 is the most popular, rank 2 is the next most popular, and so forth.” Wow… I want to complain that this is ambiguous and see if they’ll add “popularity is determined based on the total number of children with a given name”.
Quote thyself
A bonus assignment for BA 2101 involved doing a “skills and passions inventory” so as a bit of an end-note I included my personal statement of value (available on the about page if you really care). I received the paper back, but didn’t get any credit because I failed to include a citation for the quote… that I came up with… titled “my value statement”. I almost sent her the link to the source until I realized the sterling praise I often give my business classes at Temple. Gr…
Stock up on chips, dickweed
I spent today in the bowels of the pilot plant testing shitbag bags when the radio is turned on and because of the shitty weather there’s no fucking signal, except that the commercials come in really well and no one changes the station or touches the fucking antennae so I’m stuck not hearing anything but commercials for 6 hours. I could normally live with this exceptContinue reading
Radio show host pwned by Gordon Freeman (yes, the guy from Half-Life)
If you’re unfamiliar with the characters and plot from Half-Life and Half-Life 2 focused around the character of Gordon Freeman you can skip this and not feel that you missed anything.
Coast to Coast AM is a radioshow that I’ve found I’m only able to take in 5 to 10 minute bursts and focuses on cracked conspiracy theorists talking about psi and other junk. Anyone, the host Mr. Noory was pranked by someone calling in as Gordon Freeman and bought the line, darg. Video here.
I found this from
You guys aren't even trying…
Behold my work’s site bans:, blocked, allowed consists of crudely drawn (usually) figures making math jokes whereas Penny Arcade features a character named Fruit Fucker 2000 and an alcoholic DivX player. A year ago, there was a story arc involving the main character removing his genitals so they could rubbed against a 103-inch television. I can see why they made the decision they did.
Explicit: NIMBY (not in my balls, y'all)
The title’s a bit of a stretch, anyway…
I was watching a documentary on the history of Marijuana legislation and an ExtenZe commercial popped up claiming that their substance was “scientifically proven” to give you a massive dong. They then cut to a fake lab where 6 fake scientists are around a comically small fake lab bench. Then I notice in horror that the substances in the beakers and Erlenmeyer flasks are fucking glowing. I don’t care what you think it is, but unless I contract urethral cancer I’m not letting anything that glows in the dark to get into my junk. I have principles and so should you.
Explicit: NIMBY (not in my balls, y'all)
The title’s a bit of a stretch, anyway…
I was watching a documentary on the history of Marijuana legislation and an ExtenZe commercial popped up claiming that their substance was “scientifically proven” to give you a massive dong. They then cut to a fake lab where 6 fake scientists are around a comically small fake lab bench. Then I notice in horror that the substances in the beakers and Erlenmeyer flasks are fucking glowing. I don’t care what you think it is, but unless I contract urethral cancer I’m not letting anything that glows in the dark to get into my junk. I have principles and so should you.