Fudge Physics

Fudge in an exercise in seeing how small you can get sugar crystals. You do this by interfering with crystallization by mixing multiple sugar types, letting the fudge get as close to solidifying without touching it and inducing crystal formation, and finally by beating the hell out of the fudge after it’s cooled.

The fudge I wanted to make is a maple walnut fudge because
1) it tastes like Vermont
2) sugar is a cheaper input per pound than chocolate

I generally prepare double batches as baked goods scale and I like to feed people. Normally, this saves time, normally. The recipe called for the syrup to be brought to 240 degrees and at 230 degrees the mixture boiled over. I transferred the mix to another pan after cleaning up a lot of burned sugar I began heating it again. At 230 degrees the mixture boiled over and I thought “why did that happen? I heated it slowly” not remembering that heating rate in no way changes boiling point.

Good job, Terry.

I poured the mixture into a very high stock pot and boiled it directly to 240 degrees. Good thing I went to school for chemistry.