First Half Marathon

The Rock and Roll Half Marathon was supposed to be a triumph for myself and my previous coworkers but I was the only one of the original 10 that ran it. I headed out from Somerton station at 6:14 and the train slowly filled with people in running clothing. Then Suburban Station filled with people in running clothing. Then Logan Square filled with people in running clothing. Then the area outside the Art Museum filled with people in running clothing.

I was in coral 18 of 25 with again, mostly women my age and older healthy looking men. Each coral was released about 90 seconds after the previous and I set off at 8:25. Here were my mile times:

Mile 1 – 8:35
Mile 2 – 8:45
Mile 3 – 8:55
Mile 4 – 9:06
Mile 5 – 9:16
Mile 6 – 9:25
Mile 7 – 9:35
Mile 8 – 9:45
Mile 9 – 9:55
Mile 10 – 10:05
Mile 11 – 10:15
Mile 12 – 10:25
Mile 13 – 10:35
Finish – 10:36:10

I feel this kind of timing consistency is a byproduct of training almost exclusively on a treadmill.

The bump in time around mile 4 was due to me having several text message conversations during which I slowed down a little. During the Broad Street Run I made arrangements for Anthony Celona’s bachelor party so I guess this was apropos. I also guess that since I had the energy to text I probably wasn’t pushing myself. I was able to walk like a non-drunkard immediately after finishing, enjoyed some chocolate milk, and walked easily the six blocks to the train station. I wasn’t destroyed, just sweaty and while I developed a few salt deposits I was presentable enough to meet someone for lunch. My feet had blistered and stairs hurt my knees but otherwise I just felt tired.

Maybe I try for a full marathon next time.