Previous Days:
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Trip Summary: Sleepy; ouch. Park; pretty.
For Next Time: Leave camera tripod at home. Remember to move 2nd back to vehicle actually going to Acadia. Try to see inside of the park instead of just coast.
There was a bit of a pall over the trip for me as before departing I received news that the EKG I had before leaving as part of my physical revealed what could be a defect in the wall of my heart. My doctor rolled his eyes when I told him I was going camping and Acadia wasn’t nearly as strenuous as I thought it would be.
I took more photos than were listed in the entries which are available as part of the Flickr album. I think the panoramics came out quite nice and wish to get better at taking them.
[flickr album=72157622447264170 num=90 size=Thumbnail]
I’d like to thank Pat for taking care of the cooking and Joe for putting up with the fact that I turn into a whiny 4-year old if I don’t get my ugly sleep.