Scanning Precision

Bill Mischke turned 50 on Friday and I volunteered to help setup, this was run by his erudite field commander-like wife and AnnaMarie Pepper.  The 10 minute discussion of which table covering to use was fine, but the three rearrangements of the cake table taught me something:   Until today, I thought world’s most powerful microscope (that I knew of) was a scanning tunneling microscope that has a resolving power of about 0.1 nanometers.  This is sharp enough to see individual atoms and to resolve material imperfections that can not be directly seen but only inferred due to butting up against the limitations of Heisenberg uncertainty.  This may sound sharp, but I have no doubt that under the right circumstances the descriminating power of a middle-aged Jewish woman planning a celebration for a life milestone is at least twice this.

General Pictures

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Scanning Precision

Bill Mischke turned 50 on Friday and I volunteered to help setup, this was run by his erudite field commander-like wife and AnnaMarie Pepper.  The 10 minute discussion of which table covering to use was fine, but the three rearrangements of the cake table taught me something:   Until today, I thought world’s most powerful microscope (that I knew of) was a scanning tunneling microscope that has a resolving power of about 0.1 nanometers.  This is sharp enough to see individual atoms and to resolve material imperfections that can not be directly seen but only inferred due to butting up against the limitations of Heisenberg uncertainty.  This may sound sharp, but I have no doubt that under the right circumstances the descriminating power of a middle-aged Jewish woman planning a celebration for a life milestone is at least twice this.

General Pictures

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