
The surgeon was in a fine mood when we talked about the recovery times and limitations of my dual gynocomastectomies and abdominoplasty.  He’d be making an incision from hip bone to hip bone which would take six months to fade and one below each of my man-boobs that would be white in an equally long time.  There would be drains in me for two weeks or so and I’d need to get very comfortable sitting rather than lying down.

The surgery didn’t sound pleasant but the most painful incision would be to my wallet.  I was dressed in a gown and booties on an exam table when I was asked how I wanted to pay.  I said I wanted to arrange credit terms and was told this needed to be done ahead of time.  I said I’d then need to delay the surgery but the receptionist had an idea.  She handed me an iPad with the webpage for a medical loan firm on screen and I placed a quick call to my father to get his driver’s license number.  The form completed, I hit submit and moments later I was approved for a $12,000 loan.

I received a $12,000 line of credit while in a surgical gown on an exam table.

When did the future get here?