I participated in a secret santa this year for my Team Fortress 2 team and my sender asked me what I wanted. I replied “something that promotes human connection or something unique to the sender”, the response was “ooh”. Today I received in the mail I received this:
It’s a portable stove that plugs into the 12V outlet of a car and can heat up a can of soup in about 20 minutes. I thought it was neat.
For my aunt and uncle I wanted to provide a family photo of my father, mother, brother and I. Since we have no family photos taken within the last… 14 years, I faked it by doing a 4-up print with one pane per person. This was the only photo of my mother I had so I needed something else and I contacted her travel partner for a trip she took last year and grabbed copies of the photos they took. The best I could find was:
I had no interest in the woman on the right appearing in the family collage so I used a bit of context-aware fill to create the following:
I think I did an almost Stalin-esque job of zarching her from the picture. There’s a bit of deformation in the wall and around the ice, but no one’s noticed so far.