Car Insurance Kibuki

My father asked me to leave his car insurance policy and while I lost the multicar discount I’d enjoyed being merely one car in the 12 vehicle Robinson fleet it was nice to finally get the coverage I’d wanted.  I had a policy picked out from Progressive and one from State Farm.  Progressive allowed me to purchase online and State Farm required a call to finalize the rate so I contacted my local agent to see if they could do one better.  I talked to the fellow and immediately felt like I was talking to a sack of grapefruits but the final two straws were as follows:

Him: Ok, and stacking your uninsured/uninsured rider will cost an extra $12 but double your coverage.
Me: Why would I stack coverage for a single vehicle?
Him: Some people just want the extra coverage.
Me: …..
(Stacking is an option where if you have multiple vehicles, the benefit is applied separately to each.  So if you have a $100,000 policy and your two $75,000 cars get hit at the same time, you’ll be covered for both up to a maximum of $200,000 instead of just $100,000.  To the best of my knowledge, attempting to collect on a stacked policy on a single car would violate state law.)

Me: I saw online it asked me for my most recent citation.  Progressive didn’t, why?
Him: We have special discounts for drivers who’ve received infractions citations.
Me: So… you reduce the rate for people who’ve got speeding tickets?
Him: Yes, people who get tickets tend to be safer drivers.

I dare say a cattle feces inspector has never encountered bullshit that large.  I went with Progressive.